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2019.4.7 Sun.
Remodeling Motorcycle (側車付軽二輪登録 ヘルメット不要)
2019.4.7 Sun.
A memorial before the new school year begins
2019.4.7 Sun.
A memorial before the new school year begins No2.
2019.4.7 Sun.
A memorial before the new school year begins No3.
2019.4.10 Wed.
2019.4.10 Wed.
Saki's BIRTHDAY ! No2.
2019.4.10 Wed.
Saki's BIRTHDAY ! No3. Saki's Smart Phone
2019.4.13 Sat.
I played with Saki No1.
2019.4.13 Sat.
I played with Saki No2.
2019.4.13 Sat.
I played with Saki No3. (Kazu)
2019.4.14 Sun.
Record of the day
2019.4.14 Sun.
Kazu's NICHINOUKEN (Graduation ceremony)
It seems that it was less than half..
Even if I was not a first choice (the school they want to go first),
I think that it was not a problem at all in public schools,
and I think it was a good experience to work hard.
It is a school with destiny.
I wish everyone happiness.
2019.4.14 Sun.
2019.4.14 Sun.
2019.4.14 Sun.
Looking for a crayfish.
2019.4.14 Sun.
We played soccer in the park
2019.4.14 Sun.
Kazu's Junior high school
2019.4.20 Sat.
2019.4.20 Sat.
2019.4.20 Sat.
Saki's Lunch.
2019.4.20 Sat.
2019.4.21 Sun.
I watched movie. So good (Not Excellent !)
2019.4.21 Sun.
2019.4.21 Sun.
2019.4.21 Sun.
2019.4.21 Sun.
2019.4.21 Sun.
2019.4.21 Sun.
2019.4.21 Sun.
Kazu's homework (It's quite difficult)
2019.4.24 Wed.
Kazuki forgot his lunch. That's my lunch.
(He usually eats in the student cafeteria, he brings his lunch several times a week.)